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All abstracts should be submitted electronically by the deadlines shown below.

Abstracts sent by e-mail will not be accepted.

Please only use the TEXPEC2024 Microsoft Word template which you can download HERE.

Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your abstract!

Ready to submit? Click here to submit your abstract.


Any inquiries regarding the abstract submission process should be directed to Ognjen Miljanic via email

Submission Deadlines

Oral Presentations: August 15th 2024

Poster Presentations: August 31st, 2024

Instructions for Preparation of Abstracts

  • abstracts should be written in English and submitted both in the one page camera-ready, MS Word format .docx template and an unprotected PDF file generated from it.

  • title of the abstract should be centered and typed in Arial, bold 13-point font.

  • capitalize the first letter of each word of the tide other than prepositions, conjunctions and articles. All authors should be listed followed by their affiliations; department/institution, city, country of all authors. Use numbers to indicate the different affiliations of the authors. Underline the name of the presenting author in bold type.

  • mark the corresponding author with an asterisk (*). The author list and author affiliation list should be centered. Leave one empty line between the authors and the body of the abstract.

  • the abstract should fit on one page, according to this template single-spaced with 11-point font Arial.

  • figures should be centered. Each figure should have a brief caption describing it, and die caption should be placed below (or next to) the figure in 10-point font. Be sure that figures also fit on the one page for the abstract.

  • cite references in the text with a superscript number in brackets (e.g. [1] or [1-2]), numbers after punctuation marks. Number all references sequentially as they appear in the text, starting with [1]. Make all references complete bibliographic citations in the style below.

Announcement of Acceptance

Acceptance of presentation abstracts will be announced at the end of September 2024.

Submit Your Abstract
Upload Abstract (MS Word)
Upload Abstract (PDF)

Thank you! We'll be in touch.

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